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Privacy Policy

1. About this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to the website at www.desseinfurniture.com (Website). The Website is operated by Dessein Furniture Pty Ltd (ABN 84 903 592 252) (we/us).

This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, store and grant access to personal information about you in relation to the Website. You should read this Privacy Policy carefully before using the Website. This Privacy Policy is subject to change without notice. Please check the Website regularly to access the most current version.

2. What is personal information?

Personal information is any information about you as an individual which makes your identity apparent, or information that someone could reasonably use to ascertain your identity. Some common examples of personal information include personal names, street addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses.

3. When do we collect personal information?

You may be required to provide us with certain personal information when you open an account or purchase products in accordance with our Terms of Sale. If you choose not to provide the required information you will not be able to open an account or purchase products from the Website.

In general, we may collect personal information from you as necessary for any of our functions or activities provided we have taken reasonable steps to ensure you are aware of the following:

  • who we are and how to contact us
  • the purposes for which your personal information is being collected
  • who we usually disclose that type of personal information to
  • your ability to access any personal information which we have collected from you
  • any law that requires that type of personal information to be collected by us
  • the main consequences (if any) for you if all or part of your personal information is not provided.

4. How do we use, disclose and store personal information?

We only use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the purposes for which it was collected, and otherwise in accordance with law. Depending on the purposes for which you have provided your personal information, we may disclose that information to third parties as is necessary to achieve those purposes (such as our nominated product carriers).

We do not use or disclose your information for any purposes that are unrelated to the purposes of collection, unless required by law or with your consent. By accepting our Terms of Sale you consent to us using your personal information for the purposes specified therein.

The personal information we collect from you in relation to the Website may be stored in various forms, including electronic and hardcopy. We take reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold about you from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

5. How can you access your personal information?

You may request access to personal information that we hold about you by contacting us using the details in section 7 below. Following you request, we will provide you with access after you have:

  • provided sufficient proof of identity; and
  • in the case of unusual or particularly onerous requests, paid an access fee (which we will only charge if work is required in addition to lodgement of your request).

If the personal information we have previously collected from you is incomplete or out of date, you can contact us using the details in section 7 below to arrange amending our records.



6. Other issues related to privacy

If you are under 18 years old, you need to have your parent or guardian’s consent before providing personal information in relation to the Website. Your parent or guardian can then access, complete, update or refuse further collection of your personal information by contacting us using the details in section 7 below.

We will only send you electronic messages (including via SMS, MMS and email) using your personal information if we:

have your prior consent (express or inferred) to do so;

identify ourselves within the message; and

include within the message a means of allowing you to unsubscribe or opt out of receiving future messages of that kind from us.

The Website may contain links and references to third party websites and organisations. This Privacy Policy does not apply to those websites and organisations, although there may be other privacy policies that do.

More information about privacy issues in Australia can be found at www.privacy.gov.au.

7. Contacting Us

You can contact us in relation to this Privacy Policy using the following details:

Email: info@desseinfurniture.com
Post: Dessein Furniture, PO Box 1015, North Fitzroy 3141, Victoria
Phone: 0439 161 178
